Noten das Ding 2 Kultlieder ein MUSS an jedem Lagerfeuer DUX 7777
Songbook MIT Noten, Ringbuch A4, Ed. DUX 7777, über 400 Songs...DAS Songbook No1...2.Teil... Musikhaus Markstein Notensuche
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Nun gibt es "Das Ding 2" auch mit Noten.
Die Ausgabe enthält neben dem kompletten Text mit Akkordbezifferung zu allen 400 Songs die Melodiestimme mit Harmoniebezeichnung.
Praktische Spiralbindung
Eigenschaften "Noten das Ding 2 Kultlieder ein MUSS an jedem Lagerfeuer DUX 7777"
(I just) died in your arms
(I've had) the time of my life / Medley Bill + Warnes Jennifer
(let me be your) Teddy Bear
13 Tage
50 ways to leave your lover
A hard day's night / Beatles
A hard rain's a gonna fall
A kind of magic
A spaceman came travelling
Ab in den Süden
Achy breaky heart / Cyrus Billy Ray
Adesso tu / Ramazzotti Eros
Adieu mein kleiner Gardeoffizier / Stolz Robert
Against all odds (take a look at me now) / Collins Phil
All my loving / Beatles
All you need is love / Beatles
Alles wird sich ändern
Along comes Mary
Always look on the bright side of life / Python Monty
Always on my mind
Amazing grace
An der Nordseeküste / Klaus + Klaus
An englishman in New York / Sting
Angel of Harlem
Another day in paradise / Collins Phil
Are you lonesome tonight / Presley Elvis
Around the world
Ba Ba Banküberfall / EAV
Babicka / Gott Karel
Baila me
Ballroom blitz
Because I got high
Beds are burning
Behind blue eyes
Belfast Child
Bella Ciao
Biene Maja
Big in Japan
Blaue Augen
Boys don't cry
Broken wings
Brothers in arms
Brown girl in the ring
California girls / Beach Boys
Can't help falling in love / Presley Elvis
Catch me
Cecilia / Simon + Garfunkel
Champs Elysees
Child In Time / Deep Purple
City of New Orleans
Come to sin
Come together
Cose della vita / Ramazzotti Eros
Could you be loved / Marley Bob
Country house
Crying in the rain
Da nahm er seine Gitarre / Carpendale Howard
Dancing queen / Abba
Das Kufsteiner Lied (Die Perle Tirols)
Dave Dudley
Day O (The bababa boat song) / Belafonte Harry
Daylight in your eyes / No Angels
Dein ist mein ganzes Herz
Deine Spuren im Sand / Carpendale Howard
Der Albatros
Der Teufel und der junge Mann
Der wilde wilde Westen / Truck Stop
Desert rose
Dich zu lieben / Kaiser Roland
Die Affen rasen durch den Wald
Die Glocken von Rom
Die Karawane zieht weiter
Die weissen Tauben sind müde
Dirty Old Town
Disco 2000
Do wah diddy diddy
Don't look back in anger / Oasis
Don't think twice it's all right
Don't worry be happy / McFerrin Bobby
Dream on
Dschinghis Khan / Dschinghis Khan
Du hattest keine Tränen mehr
Easy day
Ein bisschen Frieden / Nicole
Ein bisschen Spass muss sein / Blanco Roberto
Ein guter Tag zum Sterben
El condor pasa
El lute / Holm Michael
Er hat ein knallrotes Gummiboot / Myhre Wencke
Es geht um mehr
Eye of the tiger / Survivor
Fallen angel
Falling in love again
Fields of gold / Sting
Fight for your right (to party) / Beastie Boys
Fire water burn
First we take Manhattan
Flugzeuge im Bauch
Forever young
Freude schöner Götterfunken / Beethoven Ludwig van
From a distance / Midler Bette
From Sarah with love / Connor Sarah
Fun fun fun
Ganz oder gar nicht / Petry Wolfgang
Gaudeamus igitur
Girl you'll be a woman soon / Diamond Neil
Girls just want to have fun / Lauper Cyndi
Go down Moses
God shuffled his feet
Good vibrations
Graceland / Simon Paul
Hard headed woman
Heartache tonight
Hedonism (just because you feel good)
Hello (turn your radio on) / Shakespears Sister
Hello again
Help me Rhonda / Beach Boys
Helter skelter / Beatles
Here I go again
Hey hey Wickie
Highway to hell / AC DC
Homeward Bound / Simon + Garfunkel
I am a rock / Simon + Garfunkel
I believe I can fly / Kelly R
I feel lonely / Sasha
I guess that's why they call it the blues / John Elton
I heard it through the grapevine / Gaye Marvin
I just called to say I love you / Wonder Stevie
I saved the world today
I still haven't found what I'm looking for / U 2
I turn to you
I want it that way / Backstreet Boys
I want to know what love is / Foreigner
I will love again
I'd love you to want me
I'll meet you at midnight
I'm outta love / Anastacia
I'm still standing / John Elton
Ich hab das Fräul'n Helen baden sehn / Raymond Fred
Ich hab mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren
Ich vermiss dich (wie die Hölle)
Ich will Spass
Ich wollt ich wär ein Huhn / Kreuder Peter
If you could read my mind / Lightfoot Gordon
Im Osten
In the air tonight / Collins Phil
In the shadows
In the year 2525
In these arms / Bon Jovi
Irgendwann bleib I dann dort / STS
Is this love
It's a heartache / Tyler Bonnie
It's all coming back to me now
It's all over now Baby Blue / Dylan Bob
It's my life / Bon Jovi
It's now or never / Presley Elvis
It's raining men
Itsy bitsy Teenie Weenie
Jack and Diane
Jawohl meine Herr'n
Joe noch einen
Johnny Blue / Valaitis Lena
Juke box hero / Foreigner
Junimond / Echt
Just like a woman
Kalkutta liegt am Ganges
King of the road / Miller Roger
Kiss from a rose / Seal
Knowing me knowing you / Abba
Kreuzberger Nächte / Gebrueder Blattschuss
Kriminal Tango
La cucaracha
Lady D'Arbanville / Stevens Cat
Lady Madonna / Beatles
Lass uns schmutzige Liebe machen
Laura non c'e / Nek
Lean on me
Leningrad / Joel Billy
Lessons in love
Let's twist again
Life for rent
Love me tender
Lucky man
Ma Baker / Boney M
Mamma mia / Abba
Manchmal möchte ich schon mit dir / Kaiser Roland
Manic monday
Märchenprinz / EAV
Massachusetts / Bee Gees
Michael row the boat ashore
Michelle / Beatles
Mit Pfefferminz bin ich dein Prinz / Müller Westernhagen Marius
Monday monday
Money for nothing / Dire Straits
More than a feeling / Boston
Moskau / Dschinghis Khan
Musik Musik Musik
Musik nur wenn sie laut ist
My love is your love
Never be the same again
New year's day
Niemals geht man so ganz
Nikita / John Elton
No son of mine
Non je ne regrette rien
Nothing compares 2 U / O'Connor Sinead
Nowhere man / Beatles
Nur geträumt / Nena
Ob la di ob la da / Beatles
Ode to my family
Oh pretty woman / Orbison Roy
Ohne dich
Ohne dich (schlaf ich heut' Nacht nicht ein) / Muenchener Freiheit
Old time rock + roll / Seger Bob
On the road again
One more night
One of us
Only time / Enya
Only you
Paperback writer / Beatles
Penny Lane / Beatles
Piano man
Pinball wizard / Who
Please forgive me
Private dancer / Turner Tina
Radio ga ga / Queen
Red red wine
Return to sender / Presley Elvis
Rhythm divine
Rivers of Babylon / Boney M
Rock around the clock / Haley Bill
Rock me Amadeus
Rose garden / Anderson Lynn
Ruby don't take your love to town / Rogers Kenny
Sad Lisa
Sag mal weinst du
Santa Maria
Save tonight / Cherry Eagle Eye
School's out
See you later Alligator / Haley Bill
Sex bomb / Jones Tom
She loves you / Beatles
She's always a woman / Joel Billy
Sieben Fässer Wein / Kaiser Roland
Smooth / Santana
So lonely
So schmeckt der Sommer
Something stupid
Son of a preacher man / Springfield Dusty
Sounds like a melody
Spanish train
Spicks and specks
Stand by me
Strangers in the night
Summer dreaming (Bacardi feeling)
Summer in Berlin
Summer moved on
Summer of 69 / Adams Bryan
Summer son
Sunday bloody sunday / U 2
Supreme / Williams Robbie
Suspicious minds
Sweat (a la la la la long) / Inner Circle
Sweet Caroline
Sweet dreams
Sylvia's mother
Take a little piece of my heart
Take good care of my baby
Take my breath away / Berlin
Take on me / A Ha
Teenage dirtbag
Thank you
Thank you for the music / Abba
The bad touch
The ballad of Chasey Lain
The ballad of Lucy Jordan
The boys of summer
The carpet crawlers
The day before you came
The final countdown / Europe
The gambler / Rogers Kenny
The jet set
The last unicorn
The letter
The man who sold the world
The night Chicago died
The power of love
The times they are a changin'
The unforgiven / Metallica
The wind cries Mary
These boots are made for walking / Sinatra Nancy
These days
This is where I came in / Bee Gees
Total eclipse of the heart / Tyler Bonnie
True colors
Truly madly deeply / Savage Garden
Twentyfirst century digital boy
Twist and shout / Beatles
Twist in my sobriety
Two princes / Spin Doctors
Überdosis Gfühl
Una festa sui prati
Uncle John from Jamaica / Vengaboys
Uptown girl / Joel Billy
Video killed the radio star
Viva forever
Walk of life / Dire Straits
Wanted dead or alive / Bon Jovi
Was soll das
Waterloo / Abba
We don't need another hero / Turner Tina
We shall overcome
We're not gonna take it
Weiss der Geier
Weisse Rosen aus Athen
Welch ein Tag
Welcome to heartlight
What's love got to do with it / Turner Tina
When I come around / Green Day
When I was young
When I'm sixty four / Beatles
When Susannah cries
Whenever wherever / Shakira
Where have all the cowboys gone
Where the streets have no name
Who by fire
Why does it always rain on me / Travis
Why worry
Wieder alles im Griff / Drews Juergen
Wild world
With a little help from my friends / Beatles
With or without you / U 2
Wonderful life
Wonderwall / Oasis
Words / Bee Gees
Words / David Fr
You never can tell / Berry Chuck
You sang to me
You're the devil in disguise / Presley Elvis
You're the one that I want / Travolta John + Newton John Olivia
Your latest trick / Dire Straits
Yummy yummy yummy
Zehn nackte Friseusen
(I've had) the time of my life / Medley Bill + Warnes Jennifer
(let me be your) Teddy Bear
13 Tage
50 ways to leave your lover
A hard day's night / Beatles
A hard rain's a gonna fall
A kind of magic
A spaceman came travelling
Ab in den Süden
Achy breaky heart / Cyrus Billy Ray
Adesso tu / Ramazzotti Eros
Adieu mein kleiner Gardeoffizier / Stolz Robert
Against all odds (take a look at me now) / Collins Phil
All my loving / Beatles
All you need is love / Beatles
Alles wird sich ändern
Along comes Mary
Always look on the bright side of life / Python Monty
Always on my mind
Amazing grace
An der Nordseeküste / Klaus + Klaus
An englishman in New York / Sting
Angel of Harlem
Another day in paradise / Collins Phil
Are you lonesome tonight / Presley Elvis
Around the world
Ba Ba Banküberfall / EAV
Babicka / Gott Karel
Baila me
Ballroom blitz
Because I got high
Beds are burning
Behind blue eyes
Belfast Child
Bella Ciao
Biene Maja
Big in Japan
Blaue Augen
Boys don't cry
Broken wings
Brothers in arms
Brown girl in the ring
California girls / Beach Boys
Can't help falling in love / Presley Elvis
Catch me
Cecilia / Simon + Garfunkel
Champs Elysees
Child In Time / Deep Purple
City of New Orleans
Come to sin
Come together
Cose della vita / Ramazzotti Eros
Could you be loved / Marley Bob
Country house
Crying in the rain
Da nahm er seine Gitarre / Carpendale Howard
Dancing queen / Abba
Das Kufsteiner Lied (Die Perle Tirols)
Dave Dudley
Day O (The bababa boat song) / Belafonte Harry
Daylight in your eyes / No Angels
Dein ist mein ganzes Herz
Deine Spuren im Sand / Carpendale Howard
Der Albatros
Der Teufel und der junge Mann
Der wilde wilde Westen / Truck Stop
Desert rose
Dich zu lieben / Kaiser Roland
Die Affen rasen durch den Wald
Die Glocken von Rom
Die Karawane zieht weiter
Die weissen Tauben sind müde
Dirty Old Town
Disco 2000
Do wah diddy diddy
Don't look back in anger / Oasis
Don't think twice it's all right
Don't worry be happy / McFerrin Bobby
Dream on
Dschinghis Khan / Dschinghis Khan
Du hattest keine Tränen mehr
Easy day
Ein bisschen Frieden / Nicole
Ein bisschen Spass muss sein / Blanco Roberto
Ein guter Tag zum Sterben
El condor pasa
El lute / Holm Michael
Er hat ein knallrotes Gummiboot / Myhre Wencke
Es geht um mehr
Eye of the tiger / Survivor
Fallen angel
Falling in love again
Fields of gold / Sting
Fight for your right (to party) / Beastie Boys
Fire water burn
First we take Manhattan
Flugzeuge im Bauch
Forever young
Freude schöner Götterfunken / Beethoven Ludwig van
From a distance / Midler Bette
From Sarah with love / Connor Sarah
Fun fun fun
Ganz oder gar nicht / Petry Wolfgang
Gaudeamus igitur
Girl you'll be a woman soon / Diamond Neil
Girls just want to have fun / Lauper Cyndi
Go down Moses
God shuffled his feet
Good vibrations
Graceland / Simon Paul
Hard headed woman
Heartache tonight
Hedonism (just because you feel good)
Hello (turn your radio on) / Shakespears Sister
Hello again
Help me Rhonda / Beach Boys
Helter skelter / Beatles
Here I go again
Hey hey Wickie
Highway to hell / AC DC
Homeward Bound / Simon + Garfunkel
I am a rock / Simon + Garfunkel
I believe I can fly / Kelly R
I feel lonely / Sasha
I guess that's why they call it the blues / John Elton
I heard it through the grapevine / Gaye Marvin
I just called to say I love you / Wonder Stevie
I saved the world today
I still haven't found what I'm looking for / U 2
I turn to you
I want it that way / Backstreet Boys
I want to know what love is / Foreigner
I will love again
I'd love you to want me
I'll meet you at midnight
I'm outta love / Anastacia
I'm still standing / John Elton
Ich hab das Fräul'n Helen baden sehn / Raymond Fred
Ich hab mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren
Ich vermiss dich (wie die Hölle)
Ich will Spass
Ich wollt ich wär ein Huhn / Kreuder Peter
If you could read my mind / Lightfoot Gordon
Im Osten
In the air tonight / Collins Phil
In the shadows
In the year 2525
In these arms / Bon Jovi
Irgendwann bleib I dann dort / STS
Is this love
It's a heartache / Tyler Bonnie
It's all coming back to me now
It's all over now Baby Blue / Dylan Bob
It's my life / Bon Jovi
It's now or never / Presley Elvis
It's raining men
Itsy bitsy Teenie Weenie
Jack and Diane
Jawohl meine Herr'n
Joe noch einen
Johnny Blue / Valaitis Lena
Juke box hero / Foreigner
Junimond / Echt
Just like a woman
Kalkutta liegt am Ganges
King of the road / Miller Roger
Kiss from a rose / Seal
Knowing me knowing you / Abba
Kreuzberger Nächte / Gebrueder Blattschuss
Kriminal Tango
La cucaracha
Lady D'Arbanville / Stevens Cat
Lady Madonna / Beatles
Lass uns schmutzige Liebe machen
Laura non c'e / Nek
Lean on me
Leningrad / Joel Billy
Lessons in love
Let's twist again
Life for rent
Love me tender
Lucky man
Ma Baker / Boney M
Mamma mia / Abba
Manchmal möchte ich schon mit dir / Kaiser Roland
Manic monday
Märchenprinz / EAV
Massachusetts / Bee Gees
Michael row the boat ashore
Michelle / Beatles
Mit Pfefferminz bin ich dein Prinz / Müller Westernhagen Marius
Monday monday
Money for nothing / Dire Straits
More than a feeling / Boston
Moskau / Dschinghis Khan
Musik Musik Musik
Musik nur wenn sie laut ist
My love is your love
Never be the same again
New year's day
Niemals geht man so ganz
Nikita / John Elton
No son of mine
Non je ne regrette rien
Nothing compares 2 U / O'Connor Sinead
Nowhere man / Beatles
Nur geträumt / Nena
Ob la di ob la da / Beatles
Ode to my family
Oh pretty woman / Orbison Roy
Ohne dich
Ohne dich (schlaf ich heut' Nacht nicht ein) / Muenchener Freiheit
Old time rock + roll / Seger Bob
On the road again
One more night
One of us
Only time / Enya
Only you
Paperback writer / Beatles
Penny Lane / Beatles
Piano man
Pinball wizard / Who
Please forgive me
Private dancer / Turner Tina
Radio ga ga / Queen
Red red wine
Return to sender / Presley Elvis
Rhythm divine
Rivers of Babylon / Boney M
Rock around the clock / Haley Bill
Rock me Amadeus
Rose garden / Anderson Lynn
Ruby don't take your love to town / Rogers Kenny
Sad Lisa
Sag mal weinst du
Santa Maria
Save tonight / Cherry Eagle Eye
School's out
See you later Alligator / Haley Bill
Sex bomb / Jones Tom
She loves you / Beatles
She's always a woman / Joel Billy
Sieben Fässer Wein / Kaiser Roland
Smooth / Santana
So lonely
So schmeckt der Sommer
Something stupid
Son of a preacher man / Springfield Dusty
Sounds like a melody
Spanish train
Spicks and specks
Stand by me
Strangers in the night
Summer dreaming (Bacardi feeling)
Summer in Berlin
Summer moved on
Summer of 69 / Adams Bryan
Summer son
Sunday bloody sunday / U 2
Supreme / Williams Robbie
Suspicious minds
Sweat (a la la la la long) / Inner Circle
Sweet Caroline
Sweet dreams
Sylvia's mother
Take a little piece of my heart
Take good care of my baby
Take my breath away / Berlin
Take on me / A Ha
Teenage dirtbag
Thank you
Thank you for the music / Abba
The bad touch
The ballad of Chasey Lain
The ballad of Lucy Jordan
The boys of summer
The carpet crawlers
The day before you came
The final countdown / Europe
The gambler / Rogers Kenny
The jet set
The last unicorn
The letter
The man who sold the world
The night Chicago died
The power of love
The times they are a changin'
The unforgiven / Metallica
The wind cries Mary
These boots are made for walking / Sinatra Nancy
These days
This is where I came in / Bee Gees
Total eclipse of the heart / Tyler Bonnie
True colors
Truly madly deeply / Savage Garden
Twentyfirst century digital boy
Twist and shout / Beatles
Twist in my sobriety
Two princes / Spin Doctors
Überdosis Gfühl
Una festa sui prati
Uncle John from Jamaica / Vengaboys
Uptown girl / Joel Billy
Video killed the radio star
Viva forever
Walk of life / Dire Straits
Wanted dead or alive / Bon Jovi
Was soll das
Waterloo / Abba
We don't need another hero / Turner Tina
We shall overcome
We're not gonna take it
Weiss der Geier
Weisse Rosen aus Athen
Welch ein Tag
Welcome to heartlight
What's love got to do with it / Turner Tina
When I come around / Green Day
When I was young
When I'm sixty four / Beatles
When Susannah cries
Whenever wherever / Shakira
Where have all the cowboys gone
Where the streets have no name
Who by fire
Why does it always rain on me / Travis
Why worry
Wieder alles im Griff / Drews Juergen
Wild world
With a little help from my friends / Beatles
With or without you / U 2
Wonderful life
Wonderwall / Oasis
Words / Bee Gees
Words / David Fr
You never can tell / Berry Chuck
You sang to me
You're the devil in disguise / Presley Elvis
You're the one that I want / Travolta John + Newton John Olivia
Your latest trick / Dire Straits
Yummy yummy yummy
Zehn nackte Friseusen